February's General Wellness Message

Cindy Smith AEP • February 12, 2021

Cindy's Message February 15 2021

I have been having so much fun connecting and working with St. Brigid this month I decided to carry the theme over to our Angel Empowerment Healing Newsletter. (General Wellness).

My journey with St. Brigid started in 2013 when I was in Ireland, as I have mentioned before, recently I was guided to invite St. Brigid – Goddess – Ascended Master to assist us in our Empowerment of Light Community. WELL……….. it has been amazing for me personally and am in gratitude for all the new teachings. It has also been different for me to channel Divine Vibration which has walked on mother earth. 

I consider St. Brigid’s vibration a Healer along side Archangel Raphael. I suggest you ASK to have both healers to assist you on your Wellness Journey. ASK! You will have the balance of feminine and male vibration from the Divine Realm. St. Brigid is gentle but goes to the core of healing with big impact of change. I invite each of you reading this message to ASK to experience St. Brigid’s vibration and healing. Enjoy! If you would like to learn more, please go to my Empowerment of Light Membership Page and if you have any questions please ask me. 

In addition, take the time to Read Sam Bell’s Message with even more info about St. Brigid. 

In Love and Light Cindy

St. Brigid Message February 15th 2021

ASK to Initiate the Healing Within

“My children healing with us the Divine is a state of acceptance and understanding of your own healing ability within your form of physical, emotional and spirit. ASK us my child, “How do I initiate my own inner healing ability for myself?” Listen and witness your guidance. Set intent with your hands as beacons of healing light to flow to self and others. 

When I walked in your physical plane, I experienced the gift of healing touch through my hands by first ASKING DIVINE for help to heal animals to provide for families. As I witnessed healing I then began to ASK for help for others in physical form. I was in wonder and humility of the power of Divine intent. BE your true self and ASK for healing and experience the state of acceptance and wonder. 

BE the gentle lamb of knowing in the wonder of healing in your physical plane.

In Truth and Divine Wonder”

St. Brigid

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