February 1 Message

Conscious Commerce • January 28, 2021

Cindy's Message February 1, 2021

When I channelled St. Brigid’s message for you, and reread the message, the following statement jumped out at me, “Acknowledge a source of judgement for self or others blocks your Divine Truth.” I have cleared so much energy around judgement within myself since I started this journey with my Divine Team, and yet I find myself so easily dropping into judgement for other’s beliefs concerning Covid 19. I am human, and do have feelings like everyone else and acknowledge it has been difficult for me staying out of judgement. I have asked for guidance to clear the anger and judgement in the best possible way for my highest good. Moving forward I am going to do my best to do the following actions. When I find myself reacting to others actions concerning Covid 19, I take a deep breath, become centred and ask for compassion and kindness for self and others. I ask for white light protection for myself and family during this journey of understanding. I give gratitude to St. Brigid for bringing this learning lesson to the forefront for myself and perhaps for you. The biggest reason this is important to me on my personal journey is because I believe in perception is projection and how can I prevent others judging me if I can so easily judge them. I will continue to speak my truth through my heart centre and be at peace with my actions. I choose now to perceive and project compassion and kindness and state, “I respect your belief please respect mine.”

St. Brigid holds a special connection in my heart. I had no understanding of St. Brigid until Maria and I hosted our first Ireland tour in 2013. When we visited one of St. Brigid’s sites, our bus driver was sharing his knowledge of her. What first stood out to me, she was born and died on Feb 1st, which is a day still honored in Ireland with traditions, and my birthday is also Feb 1st. As you can all imagine I wanted to learn more and connect with St. Brigid’s vibration. Since the first visit to Ireland, I have channel St. Brigid on occasion. Her vibration holds such a sense of compassion and love and I so enjoy connecting with her. I have honored St. Brigid since that first trip in Ireland by wearing the St. Brigit’s Cross every day since. 

St. Brigid’s Message – Kindness, Compassion and Healing

“My children of love, kindness and compassion are your truth.  Honor who you are by being true to you as you experience your journey of life. Treat yourself with kindness as you desire to be treated from others. BE compassionate to self and BE in action to share the truth of compassion to others. Allow to experience gratitude for all you are to BE now and in your future. Fill your bucket of compassion within and then allow to BE in compassion for others. 

My children, healing oneself of judgement allows freedom to BE in your Divine Truth and experience self – love with kindness. Acknowledge a source of judgement for self or others blocks your Divine Truth. 

Heal with the power of Love and Kindness and let go of the heaviness or cloak of judgement. Love and Kindness always prevails in the Truth of Knowledge within the teachings of Divine. Accept and BE all you chose to BE as you experience the world in a new light of day. Continue to share your compassion and kindness with others as you learn from your own teachings and understanding. 


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