January 2020 Message From Sam Bell

Conscious Commerce • January 15, 2020

Hello! And a very Happy New Year to you and yours!

We are at the beginning a NEW Year AND a New DECADE! And what better way to kick us off this month than with a positive vibration! 

Of course, this message comes to you in perfect timing. By the time we reach mid January, I am beginning to notice some of my clients beginning to feel a ’slump’. Money is tight after the decadence of the Holiday Season and New Years Resolutions are beginning to be a chore rather than the exciting determined success story we set out to achieve. And added to this, the newsreels and social media streams are filled with devastating news from across our globe. At times such as these, especially for those who are empaths and truly FEEL another's experiences and emotion, it can be all too easy to take on the negative vibration that surrounds us.

And this is why Archangel Raphael is reminding us to maintain our POSITIVE VIBRATION! But first of all, for those who do not understand what an ‘empath’ is, let me explain:  Have you ever walked into a room and felt the mood?  It's tangible, you instantly feel excited and inspired! Or deflated and miserable. Your heart flutters and you want to burst into song or dance!  Or your heart plummets and you want to leave as quickly as you arrived, hopefully, with nobody noticing. 

Your smile is met with everyone else’s smiles, their greetings!  Or everybody avoids your eyes and you instantly feel shy, out of place, uncomfortable. If any of these examples relate to you, you are very likely an empath and are constantly feeling the vibration of those around you, whether it be positive or negative. 

Our theme this month is prompting you to be aware of yourself and how this may affect you. 

As an empath myself, I am acutely aware of the events across the globe and I am sensing the vibration of my clients. I feel the emotion and I empathize. But it does not lower my vibration. I feel the elation of celebration for a New Year and the excitement of setting new goals and intentions. But I recognize that they are not mine to feel. I am aware that I need to be aware of MY emotions, feel them as MINE and maintain BALANCE. I do not take on the emotions of others, or become aware when I am.

Now you may be wondering, what do I do to maintain this balance?

Well, I use some of the valuable techniques that Cindy has taught me over the years and that your Hands on Healing Practitioners can teach you! Not a day goes by when I do not turn to the techniques in my ‘High Vibe Thrive Kit’! (Note, I did not say 'survival kit’, that seems so like I am hanging on by my nails…) The AEP Hands on Healing modality provides us not only with Archangel Raphael’s healing language and energy, but Techniques such as Energy Cord Cutting, Shields for Protection and Energy Ball Release. Each of these are vital tools that assist you in maintaining YOUR energy and ensures it remains at a high vibration.

And of course, when we are in that high vibration, we cannot help but feel positive and determined. We are stronger, happier, secure, optimistic and focused. These are all essential to your holistic wellbeing and especially your physical health. Our practitioners will also provide you with other tools such as eating a balanced and healthy diet, how to reduce stress and so much more.

When you work with one of our Practitioners, they will explain that one of the main underlying principles of AEP Hands on Healing is the power of positive thought. Archangel Raphael works with you to replace any negative self-talk about your symptoms and / or illness and re-programs your unconscious mind with the positive knowledge you need to own your health in all areas of your life. Many of our clients have experienced huge shifts in their health especially in the areas of pain and anxiety, simply because they have raised their vibration and adopted positive thought patterns. This is POWERFUL work that brings about real CHANGE in your overall health.

If any of this has piqued your interest, or raised your vibration, I encourage you to commit to finding your AEP Hands on Healing Practitioner NOW. They are trained and certified to provide you with all you need to raise your vibration, heal your life and give you the tools you need to THRIVE!

With love and positive vibes! Sam xo

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