Message from Cindy Smith
I am guided for the month of July with Archangel Michael to focus on intuition. I will personally refer to terms like ‘trust in your intuitive’ or ‘trust in your Clair senses with your Divine Team’ or ‘trust in your Divine knowing.’ I researched the definition of ‘intuition’ to create an understanding before you read the definition from Archangel Michael.
Intuition is: “The ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning” or “A thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.”
I always believe the more I trust the easier life is. Intuition and Trust go side by side and unlock infinite possibilities in all you desire.
In Love and Light Cindy
“My children, your intuition is your sense of knowing your truth with no proof of outcome. Trusting your decision-making process by using all of your intuitive senses. How do you know your truth? By asking us the Divine for confirmation, once again by using your senses, and making the leap of faith as you receive such confirmation. As you develop your intuitive trust more and more outcomes occur in your positive vibration which builds and enhances your trust. By making the leap of faith in turn builds the trust over time of how powerful your intuitive senses are. My children, your Divine Spark of White Light within is a bridge between your senses and Divine Truth. Your Divine Spark is also directly connected to your higher self which increases your ability to connect with us the Divine and trust your inner knowing and intuition. Continue your intuitive journey of discovery with confirmation and action. TRUST YOUR INTUITIVE REALM OF KNOWING And So it Is.”
Archangel Michael.