October 2021 Archangel Message

Cindy Smith & Archangel Zadkiel • September 29, 2021

Cindy's Message October 2021 

Dear Angel Friends, 

I am sharing with everyone my message and Archangel Zadkiel’s message which was guided for the Empowerment of Light Community for the month of October.

I have recently found myself experiencing one of those big AH HA moments as I continue to live through this time of change. I consider myself to be a person who has done a lot of work over the years to understand my triggers, so I can learn, release, and let go. My life goal is to do my best to walk my talk. I admit at times I have dropped into judgement of other people’s beliefs during this time of COVID. Then I get upset with myself for doing so and ask for help to clear. I asked Archangel Michael and Archangel Zadkiel to bring to my awareness when I was shifting my vibration by dropping into judgement. I am human and have emotions like everyone else. However, I do know the only thing I can control is my emotions and thoughts and do my best to stop being affected by the opinions of others. I was guided to remember my personal values, to have self-respect around forgiveness, and to accept myself as I am. 

I am guided to share with you Archangel Zadkiel’s message which will assist us all to focus on Divine Guidance for Self-Forgiveness and Self-Acceptance and to let go of unwanted emotions and thoughts which lower our vibration. I was guided many years ago by Archangel Zadkiel to understand that forgiveness begins with self. When you achieve that, you are able to send love and light along with acceptance vibration out to others. This illustrates the notion of the vibration you project out is what you receive back. I continue to hold forgiveness in my heart centre and trust forgiveness is sent back to me. “I accept your choices; please accept mine in love and light.”

Enjoy the message from Archangel Zadkiel. 

Archangel Zadkiel Message October 2021

“My children, self forgiveness is the first step of healing and letting go of unwanted vibration. Perhaps first by acknowledging unforgiveness within self which may be connected to an event, experience, action, behaviour, emotion, belief, value it will be easier to ASK for releasement. My children, unforgiveness is a mirror of your self reflection. Forgiveness for self represents love and respect for self and in no way does it acknowledge that a negative intent towards you as an event, action, behaviour, emotion which caused you a negative impact was justified. Let these memories and experiences go as attachments so you can be at PEACE IN YOUR NOW TIME and experience Self-Love Vibration. 

Ask us the Divine to bring to your conscious awareness unforgiveness which is in no longer in your highest best interest to experience. Next ASK us the Divine to release the experience in all forms, from your Heart Centered Being with clarity and understanding, and then be open to receive love, light, acceptance in the form of forgiveness in your heart centered self. Hold this as your truth and accept others’ truth as their own. Send Love and Light to those who choose different beliefs from yourself. ASK us the Divine for Protection with the White Light Beam around your Aura to prevent world vibration of fear and unwanted negative emotions to affect your heart center. 

And So It Is. 

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