Lunar Angels Can Empower You

Allyson O'Hara-Cribdon • Feb 14, 2022

Metatron, the Moon, & the Zodiac Angels can Empower You

Many definitions of Empowerment exist. The Oxford English dictionaries offer the definitions that Empowerment is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and in claiming one’s rights or authenticity. Empowerment is also the act of giving someone more control over their own life or the situation they are in. Note that I have high-lighted “process of becoming” and “act of giving.” I truly believe that being Empowered is an Active State, a Process, rather than a frozen state where we complete something then raise our hands up & say, “I’m empowered! Woo hoo! Now, what’s next?” I believe that, daily, we travel along a spectrum of Emotional Vibration, moving from various degrees or Frequencies of Empowerment.


While I have trained as an AEP Practitioner, I have also trained as and Empowerment Coach with Crystal Andrus Morissette and her SWAT Institute. By the way, SWAT stands for Simply Women Accredited Training rather than the popular Special Weapons and Tactical Team, though one could attest that our Spiritual Wisdom provides us with the best tactical tools <wink>.


Through these studies, I was introduced to Dr. David Hawkins’ “Map of Consciousness” from his book Power vs Force, which outlined each emotion as a level of consciousness or light energy. He calibrated each emotion with a numerical value with Shame at the lowest frequency at 20, Enlightenment at the highest at 1000, and with Love in between at 500. The idea of Emotions as Waves of Light Energy whetted my curiosity and appealed to the nerdy side of me. It made perfect sense that, when we have more Energy, we feel more Empowered – we are more Empowered.


In her teachings, Crystal used Hawkins’ “Map of Consciousness” as a guideline for her own Emotional Scale with focused questions that we can use to recognize where we are at and what emotions we must travel through to reconnect with our authentic mature self (check out her book The Emotional Edge). This helps us appreciate that we actually possess the ability to manage our emotions and their Vibrational Energy through travelling through the levels of Consciousness to reclaim our Power and become truly Expansive. On her scale as on Hawkins’ map, Courage is the Point of Empowerment and the Real/Authentic Self is revealed for the first time; when we connect with our Authentic Self, we also connect to the Divine Spark within us. Again, that we can have some measure of control over our Emotional Frequency landed strongly with me in addition to the fluidity of continuously journeying through various Emotional Vibrational States.


Later on, I came across Magic Tea Hour’s Zhena Muzyka’s variation of Hawkins’ and Crystal’s charts called the “Vibration of Possibility.”  I strongly resonated with her categorizing the lower vibrational energies as “Limitations” and the higher frequencies as “Magic” with Courage as the Gateway.

Again, it makes sense that when we indulge in Lower Frequency Emotions and Beliefs about ourselves, we limit ourselves and our ability to recognize opportunities that present themselves. It is not that these emotions are negative; they are solely limiting. In comparison, when we embrace in Higher Frequency Emotions and Beliefs, we expand our energy, we sit up & stand taller, we become expansive and thus strengthen our ability to witness the Abundance all around us. We are in fact Empowered.


That said, Zhena’s use of Magic for the Expansive Vibrations, the Higher Frequency emotions, truly touched my heart. Raise your Vibe: Courage is the Gateway to Magic. Indeed, I find this to be true. Magic, along with Humour which instantly raises our Vibrations, has always been a vital part of my life as I define Magic as Applied Wisdom, wisdom such as our spiritually based tools & techniques.


So, now, why the Moon? AA Metatron, along with a collective named The Magi, guided me toward studying & working with the Moon and her amazing cycles. In channeling sessions with his energy, Metatron emphasized the importance of our recapturing the daily rhythms of the Lunar Cycles as a Magical tool to Enrich our lives by then understanding not only the rhythms of Nature and the Celestial Realms but also the Rhythms within our own bodies, these Rhythms include our Emotional Vibrations. By learning the Rhythms of our bodies and their connections with the Cycles of the Universe, we naturally see the Abundance that the Universe offers, we naturally become Empowered.


We are all deeply connected to the Moon and her rhythms whether we realize it or not. So, again, why the Moon? She travels through 4 main periods, 8 main phases, and 28 phases in a 28 day cycle. She also travels through all 12 Zodiac signs during that 28/29 days: in comparison, the Sun takes 365 days to travel through these zodiac vibrations. And, each Zodiac sign Vibrates at a unique Frequency, creating a special Energy. That said, in her monthly travels across the sky, the Moon creates one Variable that affects our response to our environment, and thus influences our Sense of Empowerment.


Therefore, when we know the Lunar Phase we are in, when we know the qualities and characteristics of the phase, we can prepare for our responses – especially our Emotional responses – under the lunar influences. We thus will feel more Empowered.


We feel more Empowered because we have a Magical Navigation Device that helps us get a sense of the environment through which we are traveling. With this knowledge, we gain a sense of control and we can make decisions accordingly. This would be similar to being invited to a party. When you know the type of party it is, you can choose the appropriate attire for the event. For example, if you were invited to a game-night party at a friend’s house, you would probably wear something comfortable and causal rather than the little black dress that you wore at your work’s annual fundraising gala. Thus, with the awareness of the qualities of the party, you can make informed decisions.


So, now, Why Zodiac Angels? In complement to my own studies, Metatron has revealed that, in addition to the 4 Arch Angels – Gabriel, Raphael, Michael, and Uriel – who influence the 4 main Lunar Periods, 72 Angelic Vibrations – each with their own unique qualities – influence each Zodiac Phase and every Zodiac Degree.

For the peak of every Lunar Phase, three Angelics are present to support us & to provide guidance in our navigating the phase. They may guide us to use some tools and techniques to release, to raise our Vibrations, and to replace any limitations with Magic. I like to compare the intensity and clarity of these Angelics to music and the radio. The Period angel represents the overall music – say music from the 80s. The Zodiac Phase angel represents the Radio Station you would find 80s music on – say 96.9 Jack FM – while the Degree Angel is the DJ who plays the particular tracks that you enjoy.


Similar to that of the Moon, when we know the Angelic Energies present during a Lunar Phase, when we know the qualities of these Angelic Vibrations, we can tune into these Frequencies and we can better Navigate our Environment and our every day lives. We thus Feel more Empowered.


Again, we gain a sense of control, for we can ask for guidance from particular Angelic Energies to assist us in traveling through the Emotions on the “Vibration of Possibility.” We can be comforted knowing that any lower limiting emotions are temporary and that we can rise through them by asking the Angelics to help us in course-correcting or realigning so that we can feel and become the best versions of ourselves. And, the best versions of ourselves are our Authentic Empowered Selves.


So, now, putting it all together: by knowing the Lunar Phase and her Zodiac degree, we can call upon and tune into Angelic Frequencies to assist us in navigating this time. The best way to tune into these Lunar and Zodiac Angelic Frequencies is through a short meditation.


If you are curious about playing the Zodiac Angelics and the Lunar Phases to assist you in becoming more Empowered as your Authentic Self, I invite you to take a boo at my monthly Angels and the New and Full Moon mini-workshops which offer practical experiences with the unique Angelic Energies; and these, of course, change monthly because the Zodiac Energies shift. For those who want to dive a bit deeper into understanding and playing with these Energies as well as into the technical side of these Angelics, I also offer a Level I workshop.


Regardless of whether or not you take up my invitation to play with the Lunar Angelics, I invite you to check in with your daily rhythms, including your daily emotional rhythms, and see how the Lunar Cycle and the Cycles of Mother Nature complement them. As you gain a greater Awareness of your unique rhythms in conjunction with the Stars & Nature surrounding you, you can only become more Empowered as a result.

#Metatron #theoraclesmagi #CrystalAndrusMorissette #SWAT #DavidHawkins #ZhenaMuzyka #Astrology #ZodiacAngelics #Frequency #Vibrations #Energy #Empowerment #Magic

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