St. Bridgid Message By Donna Miller

Donna Miller • Feb 10, 2022

St. Brigid Channeled Message by Donna Miller


Passion of Life


I have been guided to channel a message from St. Brigid on “Passion of Life”.

The night before my channeling, she came to visit me in my bedroom as I was just getting ready to turn in for the night. A lady scurried across my bedroom with a cloak over her head. Although I was startled at first, I was totally at ease. Her presence was warm and comforting. I could feel it in my heart centre. As I drifted off to sleep that night, I wondered if it was St. Bridgid whom I had seen or perhaps just another being passing peacefully through. As I dreamt, I saw green: everything was green. The deeper I fell into a sleep, the clearer my vision became. There were clover rolling hills with two young girls perhaps 10- or 12-years-old chatting about injustice. They were chewing on the ends of clover. I felt as though I was one of the girls from many years ago. I could taste the clover; it was sweet. The other young girl was frustrated about the care the children of that time were getting. She pulled from her cloak a piece of dry bread, broke it in half and shared it with me. She was determined and passionate about creating change. As I awoke in the morning after a great night’s sleep, I quickly googled St. Bridgid and there she was. 

I was very emotional and passionate while channeling her. 

This is her message.


Channeled Message from St. Bridgid


My Children,

Deep from within your core lies a beautiful Light, your first gift. The most precious of all that is unique to you. A beautiful existence of being. Its becoming “The Divine”, The Holy Spirit that graces all with Light. With your Light holds “ALL” the gifts of your journey. Only you hold that key in your heart centre to open and use. You are the keeper of the Light. Within that space is your ultimate Joy. That is where you will find your Passion. To unlock that space sitting quiet with self, raw, open, and truthful of self. At times, there may be moments of darkness clearing that space within the heart centre. This will enable pureness.

Light = Love = Joy

Your joy = Passion for purpose. Purpose of your life. The life you were brought here for. Your journey, your individual magic to share, blossom, connect, and unite as “One”

Your time has come for your Passion.



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