New Beginnings

Tracey Morris • Mar 28, 2023

New Beginnings

This month's topic is ‘New Beginnings’. 


New beginnings come in all forms, shapes, sizes, thoughts, ideas and it’s what we do with those that help us grow in our personal, spiritual, mental and physical domains.

There are new beginnings all around us that we rarely give any attention. 

Birds gather material to make their nest so they can lay their eggs.

Rabbits begin to change the color of their fur, and the weather starts to get warmer. 

When everything gets warmer, Mother Earth starts to open up, and the new beginnings of the new season have begun. 

As humans, we have new beginnings every day.

Every morning when we open our eyes and our feet touch the ground, we have started a new day or a new beginning. 

A new thought, a new idea, starting a new project, job, diet, course etc. are all examples of new beginnings. 

Sit down with a piece of paper and pen and write down thoughts and ideas and all those new beginnings you’d like to initiate.

Choose one or two to start off with and have fun and determine what NEW you will BEGIN this month. 


In Gratitude with Love & Light

Tracy Morris AEP

Message from Archangel Haniel


My children, 


A new beginning is like having a do over, a new start to something or a new idea.

With a new beginning comes change, with change comes growth, and with growth, You can become what your Soul’s interpretation of a good human is.

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