When I asked Archangel Michael what message or theme would you like for April, I heard “Inspiration.” My first thought was he referring to Inspirational Angel Day because I am immersed in the prep for the event. Then I heard, “Ask what inspires people. Share what inspires you and ASK us the Divine to Assist with Inspiration.” I then looked up the definition of inspiration, which is a feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something, that gives you new and creative ideas.
A feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something makes sense to me. I asked myself what inspires me to get up and enjoy a new day?
These are some of the examples: love (my connections with family, friends and the Divine), support from people who love and support me to be inspired, career and soul purpose, new clients and new students who are asking to be empowered, new travels and visiting new and familiar places. Beautiful environments like waterfalls, the mountains, ocean are examples that lift my spirit to inspire me.
Your turn: “What inspires you?”
Please email me or place a comment on my social media pages of examples of what inspires you. I would love to compile a list of some simple statements to share with everyone.
I will start: “Good morning” from the love of my life; an unexpected call from one of my children just to say “Hi, how are you doing mom?” These are examples of my joy and inspiration to be a loving wife and mother.
In Love and Light Cindy
“My children, acknowledge inspiration as a power of vibration connected to joy. Many forms of joy will inspire you to fulfill your purpose of being in physical form and experiences. When there are times you desire more inspiration; ASK us the Divine for guidance and clarity to bring your inspirational path back into alignment for self and others.
ASKING FOR INSPIRATION is a key step to allow Divine inspiration. Our definition of Inspirational path is: each step, each thought, each emotion attuned to your best you allows an experience of creating joy and purpose during both difficult and easy times. See, feel, hear and know your journey of inspiration, and allow us the Divine to present even more Inspiration and Joy in your activities, experiences, relationships, life purpose, career, and thoughts. Put into action all that which INSPIRES YOU!
And So it Is
Archangel Michael