Remembering our loved ones

Michelle Babychuk • March 7, 2021

I take great comfort in knowing that although our loved ones, in the white light, can still be with us spiritually. My passion is "Giving a voice to the unheard" and giving messages from the loved ones in the white light to their family who are still in the physical.

This past year with all the chaos that is happening around the world, and have connected with my loved ones on a different level, so to speak. They are always giving me signs that they are with me and lately I have taken the time to sit with them and actually listen more to what they have to tell me. They show me things that make me aware of how blessed we are, even with all the chaos around us. As a human, I tend to worry about things that are out of my control. I believe that others do as well. I also see that worrying stops us from growing and holds us back from being all that we can be. My grandparents (in the white light) show me the simpler things in life when they first came to Canada. They show working side by side, creating the life that they desired, and being happy with every accomplishment, big and small. They never had the media in their lives that we have now and tell me that they are happy about  that, because nothing influenced what they did  during their lifetime here on earth. They show me a quieter, more peaceful time. Don't get me wrong, they still had their own things to go through, but they show that because of things were the way they were, that things were dealt with differently. They show a community of people, on a smaller level, working together to solve a problem. They show me that now many see what is happening on the media and allowing this to affect them. They have asked that I share with others to stop this from happening to you. It is easy to get caught up in the media and take on the emotion of it.  They ask me to remind you that you can also connect with your loved ones. Everyone has the ability to communicate with their loved ones in the white light. Take the time to go to your favorite space, sit in the spot, and ask a loved one to come to you. Allow them to show and tell you things that will help you now. Trust in what you are getting, for our loved ones are here to help us. Michelle

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