Dear Angel Friends
I was guided to bring focus to Now Time and stop worry. Archangel Metatron is great in keeping me aware of my Time. Are you like me and can have either way too many thoughts floating around in my head or attempting to do too many tasks at one time? Well Archangel Metatron and Michael are great at reminding me with this question, “Where are you my child?” When I hear that statement it instantly brings me back to the NOW and I remind myself I can only focus on one thing at a time even though I have many tasks to accomplish. I know when I worry I pull myself out of NOW time also.
Google Definition - Difference between Worry and Concern. Worry is a form of self-torment, best described as what-if thinking. Concern, on the other hand, is a calculated consideration and assessment of actual danger. Whereas worrying anticipates problems and things going awry (loss of control), concern is more fact-based and geared toward problem-solving.
“My children, NOW time is of essence your one moment to stop worry. Now vibration in a second of your time is all you have control of in all you experience. As you read this message pay attention to the moments it takes to complete. During this time your conscious mind is connecting with information within each second. Reflect NOW what it feels like to be present in your thoughts and actions of reading this message. BE Present is a gift to your well-being. My children, worry vibration is only created with thoughts about your future experiences or past. Remind yourself what you have control of, ONLY THIS MOMENT IN YOUR TIME! Worry is an experience in your NOW as if you are already participating in future. STOP, my children, worry causes your physical body to react to an experience in your future.
My children, Ask us the Divine to bring to your attention when your tasks of time is bringing you overwhelm or stress. Create logical tasks or lists to perform in NOW Time only. Breathe and accept help to stay connected in NOW time! Practice of NOW awareness allows a sense of calmness and control of each moment you experience. ASK us to bring to attention when your thoughts and emotions reflect worry, therefore, allowing you to shift your attention to NOW.
And so it Is.”
Archangel Metetron.