On Time, even though Time is an Illusion

Allyson O'Hara-Cribdon • Feb 05, 2022

With the Complete Version of Metatron's Message "On Time"

Over the millennia (a construct of time), philosophers, authors, customers waiting in the queues at Costco, pregnant soon-to-be-mums, children waiting impatiently for Christmas morning, and even a Cheshire Cat have discussed Time, trying to wrap their heads around it before tea-time (another construct).

In his brilliant fantasy novel about time-thieves and the child who brought the stolen time back to the people, Momo, German author Michael Ende writes that “Calendars and clocks exist to measure time, but that signifies little because we all know that an hour can seem as an eternity or pass in a flash, according to how we spend it.” When we speak on the man-made construct of physical time, we are truly discussing our perception of how it passes depending on the activity in which we are engaged. A year can pass in a moment, but a moment can feel like a year. When our vibrations reside in the higher frequencies of Willingness, Love, and Joy, time seems endless yet short. Laughing and playing lively rounds of Scattergories with friends & family or gardening with a Kindergarten class with children who are delighting in touching their first worms, often, we will comment, “Four hours have passed already?!?” Or, perhaps, that happens when we fall down the rabbit hole named Netflix or scroll through thecanehlien shorts on tiktok.

In essence, we place our perception of Time on Time itself: what would it be like if we solely enjoyed each precious moment as the magnificent infinite energy it is and regard our feelings and vibrations within that moment as the true measure of time? Time noticeably flows with the cycles, whether it be the cycles of the seasons or the cycles of our emotions; however, time passes as we choose according to the frequency & quality of our engagement. Food for thought.

Oh, on that note, I must run: I do believe it is tea-time, or rather, I “only have to whisper a hint to Time, and round goes the clock in a twinkling!... it’s always tea-time” (Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland).

But before I leave to savour the magical beverage also known as tea, let me leave you with a Channeled Message. When asked about Time, Metatron provided the following message and placed additional emphasis on the last five paragraphs. Again, some intriguing food for thought.

Metatron’s Message:


My children, Time is but an illusion, but a necessary illusion to allow your physical senses a conundrum with which to play because they enjoy a good puzzle, a complex discussion with a variety of perceptions and misconceptions, all travelling in a circular motion, a circle round and round, an infinite, eternal merry-go-round that represents the Essence and Truth of Time itself.

Time is cyclic, a product of the universal songs with which the celestial spheres keep measure – the cycles of Luna, the precious Moon who guides tides in an eternal rhythm, soothing the emotions of those who become happily lost in the infinity of the waves’ ebb and flow, singing onto the shore’s sparkling sands and whispering away, the rocking back and forth of a baby’s cradle, the beginning and the end and the beginning again.

The cycles of Sol bring the symphony of the seasons, marking them with Solstices and Equinoxes, the expansion of Light Energy, the Equality and Stillness of Nature’s hum, the contraction of Light waves, the Balance and Quiet again in Nature’s hum, the continuous repetition, the Infinite passing and revisiting of the same Vibrational process with a unique set of novel circumstances that have changed the feelings experienced in the next cycle. This is the circular Nature of Time, a beginning without an ending, an ending without a beginning, the song of the ouroboros, the ancient alchemical dragon consuming its tail, expressing the circular unity of birth, death, and rebirth.

My children, this Infinity, this Eternity, you can witness all around you, everywhere; and we encourage you to reconnect with these Natural cycles as your own, for you have forgotten them, tucked them away in centuries of fluid generational memories, in your misguided quest for Time, a fleeting illusion to orient and disorient you, and in your quest of more Time to acquire that Abundance that is already yours.

Now is the Time – ha, there is no escaping the Word that has been given, the tone of the Word when spoken, generating a myriad of opinion, perception, manifestation – Now is the Time to reconnect, to tune into the Infinity, the Universality, of Nature’s cycles. As you connect with what you witness, the cycles of Luna, the cycles of Sol, the cycles of Nature, the cycles of birth and death, these cycles become your own and you can better understand and appreciate the rhythms and songs and cycles of your beautiful human sensory bodies, an electro-magnetic Frequency in tune with the Earth’s Heartbeat. Listen and you will Hear. Look and you will See. Open and you will Feel.

You, my children, are entering into a New Era of swift considerable change, of shifts not only in your physical environment but also in your Physical and Energetic bodies. The very structures of your cells are changing to allow for the new Frequencies that are showering the Earth. You are Receptors and Memory-Keepers.

But, if you are out of sync with your bodies’ natural cycles and rhythms, your reception will become scattered and it will take longer to absorb the brilliant waves of information given to you with Clarity. The changes will happen whether you are prepared or not. Change is the only Constant. Change is Flow. Change brings Beauty and Excitement to stagnation. Change is Time. Obviously, we would like you to be prepared for your new song so that you can Serve others who are learning to listen, hear, look, see, open, and feel.

We invite you once again to witness the True cycles of Time you are experiencing and observe your bodies’ optimal cycles – the perfect amount of sleep, measured by feeling & lucidity, the perfect amount of play with those dear to you, the perfect amount of engaging in that which raises your Vibrations to frequencies of Joy and Humour and Laughter and Love. Your perfect amounts are unique to you. Measure for yourself, avoid comparison to others – they have their own perfect song. Listen and you will Hear. Look and you will See. Open and you will Feel. Change under the guise of Time is your Friend. Know this and Feel this and Know it again.

Come Now and dance amongst the Stars to the melodies of the Celestial Spheres and enter the Cyclic Flow of your True Self – a Spark of the Universe in which you reside.

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