Hello everyone!
Today I thought I would discuss about my presentation at Inspirational Day with the Angels in Calgary on October 17/21.
Have you every wondered:
• What I am seeing?
• What did I just hear?
• How did I just know something?
• What just happened?
For myself, I have different ways of receiving my messages.
At Inspirational Day, I will talk about the different ways I receive messages and how to learn the differences for self. Also, to learn how to tell the difference from who you receive the message. Each person has their own way of receiving messages. You will learn different ways during the day in how to connect with different modalities. This is a day to learn some new information from team members associated with the Angel Empowerment Wellness Center.
One of my happiest moments is when I connect and receive messages for my clients. It is so rewarding to see the look on the clients faces of surprise, gratitude and overall gratefulness for the messages they have received from their team. I trust in my team to connect with their team to give the client the information they need to hear.
I would love to see you there! I will have my classes posted soon so take a look and see if any of them resonate with you.
In much Love & Light,