When I asked which Archangel would like to give a message for May, Gabriel became centered. After I read what Archangel Gabriel channeled I realized it was a reminder, also for me, as to why I love creating events which bring like-minded community together. I very much miss the Angel Day live events I hosted since 2009, but am in gratitude to be able to provide online opportunity, such as The Angel Empowerment Summit on May 2nd. Bringing Speakers together who foster their beliefs in Empowering and Inspiring Others is my goal. This goal includes Speakers who will share their knowledge and experience in trusting their intuition, tools for change, opportunity and above all Angel Empowerment Inspiration.
In Love and Light Cindy Smith
Inspiration with Communication
“My children, Inspiration for self and others is through ALL forms of communication; verbal, physiology, thoughts, emotions and vibration or frequency. Your spoken word linked with vibration to us and Universal Energy can impact self and all around you. Allow to acknowledge your thoughts and words are both strong with vibration and emotion which creates your reality. A spoken word through the filter of love and positive vibration creates inspiration for you and others. Add to your spoken word positive body language and heart centre frequency to enhance your experience naturally, in turn creates inspiration.
Take a moment in your time to reflect on how often you send out positive or negative vibration through your thoughts and spoken word. Next take the time to consider how often you are affected by another person’s spoken word positive and/or negative. ASK for us the Divine to bring to your awareness, when needed, to protect your energy and stop allowing other people’s negativity to affect you.
My children choose your spoken word and frequency with the intent to uplift and inspire yourself and others. Change begins with YOU. Inspiration for self is lived through the filter of JOY. Share your Joy with Others in your truth of Communication. And So It Is.”
Archangel Gabriel