Angel Empowerment Wellness Centre Virtual Café

Cindy Smith has been channeling Guided Archangel Messages every month since September 2008 and sharing in her newsletters and blog. So many people have shared their gratitude over the years. Cindy is now guided to share with you more opportunity to explore personally the monthly message. The AE Wellness Team Practitioners are going to explore with you each month, their definition of the message, and assist you to explore your own definition and understanding. Have fun in the Angel Empowerment Wellness Virtual Café!


Copy the code and use in in the Wellness Centre, while booking Any Service (including Workshops).

Wellness Team Messages

By Cindy Smith September 8, 2023
I was reminded that this month is my CELEBRATION MONTH OF 15 YEARS teaching and working with the Angels.
By Cindy Smith July 28, 2023
I was guided to continue our focus on Intuition for August, and to highlight two more of our senses to communicate with our Angel Team. Read below for how to use clairsentience (feeling) and clairaudience (hearing) to trust your Intuition and Connection. Refer to the July message for the description of Angel Team and the other two clair senses - clairvoyance and claircognizance.
By Cindy Smith June 30, 2023
"Intuition with Your Guardian Angels"
By Rhonda Schann June 8, 2023
Gift of Time
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Virtual Café Wellness Team Conversations

(via Zoom)

Times Below are MST

1st Tuesday

of every month


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