Cindy Smith AEP

Angel Empowerment Practitioner

Cindy Smith is the Founder and Instructor of Angel Empowerment Practitioner Certification Course™ and Co-Founder with Dr. Carl Le Roux of the Angel Empowerment Healing Program. 

Cindy assists individuals to understand how easy it is to trust in their own Intuition and Divine guidance and with Angel Empowerment tools how to own health and wellness by healing and harmonizing every aspect of life and ultimately trusting in one’s self.

With a background in nursing and counselling, a Masters in NLP, Cindy teaches from a wealth of concrete information combined with her intuitive gifts to present a balanced, skilled approach to Angel Empowerment. Cindy’s life purpose and passion is to teach and she states, “One of the most powerful experiences for me as an Instructor and Healer is to witness individuals move from “I CAN’T” TO “I CAN!”

Cindy is in an Instructor/Author/Inspirational Speaker/Healer and has recorded over 20 Guided Meditations .

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Angel Empowerment Practitioner
Angel Card Reading Sessions

Angel Card Reading Session

Cindy receives messages from a clients’ Guardian Angel Team. These messages are received thru 4 main senses (pictures, thoughts, feelings & knowing) which will be shared with the client. During a reading clients can also ask questions about loved ones.

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Archangel Messages

Archangel Messages

Every month an Archangel will channel messages for the Global community through Cindy Smith AEP. These messages help everyone inspire change and understanding of how easy Divine assists in all areas of life.

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Follow Cindy Smith AEP as she embarks through these guided meditations with your Guardian Angels and the Archangels. Find the guided meditation that works for you and aligns you with your goals and aspirations.

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Angel Empowerment Healing

The stats are in and long distance healing is as effective as in person. Whether your practitioner is in the room with you or talking to you on the phone, you will receive Archangel Raphael’s Healing as you receive and repeat the healing language.

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Circle of Light Meditation

How is the Circle of Light Created? Each person who listens to the meditation at any given moment of time is included in the Circle of Light. Divine Source takes care of the Circle for us. Before you start the meditation set your intention of vibration to be added to the Circle for all involved around the world.

Listen to the meditation

World Peace & Protection Meditation

I was guided to create a meditation "Archangel Sandalphon and Archangel Michael World Peace and Protection", for us all to listen to and send extra love and light, peace and protection during this time of war on the Ukraine Country and people.

Listen to the meditation

Courses & Workshops

Thank you for your interest in the Angel Empowerment Courses.

Below are lists of some of the ongoing courses and workshops. The theme in all courses is to 


Questions about any of the courses and workshops are welcome!

Just use the contact form and don’t forget to mention the course name.

Premium AEP™ Course

(Self-Paced Online)

Self – Paced Online opportunity for Personal Development and/or become a Certified Angel Empowerment Practitioner™. Premium Course was created with BONUS MATERIAL AND CONTENT.

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AEP™ Course 

Opportunity for Personal Development and/or become a Certified Angel Empowerment Practitioner™. Join the team of light workers changing the world one person at a time.

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Intuition With Your Angels Online Course

Self – Paced Online Course. Become much more confident in your own ability to connect and communicate with your Angel Team. INTUITION what is it and how do we use practical skills to trust and quiet our ego. Become more present with self and manifest your desires. Gain practical skills for self-care for your physical, emotional and spiritual self.

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Angel Empowerment Healing Program

One of a Kind healing modality using the power of thought and healing with Archangel Raphael. Join the Practitioner team healing the world one person at a time. Prerequisite AEP™

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Advanced AEP™ Course

As an Angel Empowerment Practitioner™ Continue to Build your Skill Set on working more with the Archangels and guided meditations, building confidence in facilitating groups and so much more.

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Honouring Our Sensitive Kids

With a gentle approach in our workshop children will learn simple tools and strategies with the assistance of the Archangels to protect themselves and feel empowered, confident and happier. 

This workshop is for both parents (and grandparents, aunts, uncles) and children.

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Vital Balance Nervous System Healing

This 3 part on-line workshop series will help you discover how to tap into the optimal health and wellness available to you 24-7. Cindy and Sam bust some myths about stress management and help you develop a set of tools that you can use in your everyday life.

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Weight Management Motivation with Archangel Raphael

This is a completely new approach to managing your weight. Most programs focus on weight loss only, but your hosts/instructors Sam and Cindy understand the challenges presented to individuals who need to gain or maintain their weight as part of their health and wellness journey.

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The Angel Empowerment Healing Show Podcast!

A poster for the Angel Empowerment Show episode 65 titled 'Divine Timing and Mindful Healing'
By Cindy Smith March 20, 2025
At the end of last week's episode, your hosts, Sam Bell and Cindy Smith were guided by Archangel Raphael to discuss the subject of Divine Timing and its relationship to Healing. Using pain as an example, they discuss the importance of patience and trust when it comes to asking for healing. They also share the beautiful message from Archangel Sandalphon and the beautiful crystal apophyllite. Two valuable tools listeners can call upon to assist them in their healing. If you would like to know more about Angel Empowerment Healing, hop on over to the website and join our community to receive free tools and downloadable meditations including healing language for pain! 
A poster for the Angel Empowerment Show episode 64 titled 'Health and Worry'
By Cindy Smith March 13, 2025
At the beginning of the show, Cindy pulls a card asking Archangel Raphael what he wanted your hosts to talk about this week - out came the 'Stop Worry' Card. And of course, this couldn't be better than divine timing as our world faces huge worry. Listen in as Cindy and Sam explain why worry (and STRESS) damages our health and share simple yet very effective tools to bring you back to the NOW.
A poster for the Angel Empowerment Show episode 63 titled 'AEH Basics'
By Cindy Smith March 6, 2025
Join Sam and Cindy as Archangel Raphael nudges them to go back to basics! Between them they spill the beans about the Angel Empowerment Healing Website and encourage you to join their community to receive tools (including meditations and healing language) to kick start or compliment your path back to achieving your OPTIMAL HEALTH!
A poster for the Angel Empowerment Show episode 62 titled 'Open Your Heart to LOVE and New Beginning
By Cindy Smith March 6, 2025
At the end of last week's episode, Cindy pulled 2 Oracle Cards from the Relationship Inspiration Deck - "Open your heart to love and New Beginnings" Listen in as your hosts question each other about how we can keep talking about opening up to LOVE? In this short but sweet, powerful episode, discover how Raphael guides them both to explore the 'Why' and 'Inspiration' of loving our physical body. Discover more about your hosts at and be sure to join their community to receive unlimited access to the podcast AND lots of FREE gifts to assist your empowered healing!
A poster for the Angel Empowerment Show episode 61 titled 'Why We LOVE Angel Empowerment Healing'
By Cindy Smith February 21, 2025
Continuing their 'Love Month' theme - In this episode, your hosts Sam and Cindy share why they are so passionate about the Angel Empowerment Healing Program and share how this journey as instructors, practitioners and clients impacts them in such a positive and powerful way.  If you are still wondering what the Angel Empowerment Healing Program is - this episode is one to catch! Also, go all the way back to the first 3 episodes and learn more about the power of the 3-minds, Archangel Raphael and the AEH Language.
A poster for the angel empowerment show episode 60 titled 'The Love Month'
By Cindy Smith February 13, 2025
Your hosts share that February is their Birthday Month - and they call it the 'Love Month' Listen in to discover why and it may be a surprise! (It's not all about valentines...) Cindy shares some Time Line Therapy insight and after hearing a quote from the book 'A Course in Miracles' -' there is only one real emotion on the planet - LOVE. All the negative emotions are derivatives of fear and are an illusion...  Sam also shares the 'Butterfly Hug - that stimulates the Limbic System and shares the Quantum Physics behind 'love'. PLUS! Find out about the DOSE acronym and bookmark this episode as essential listening!
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Are You Open to Receive?

Do you give more of yourself and block receiving? Listen to what Cindy and the Angels have to say about opening to receive on your physical, spiritual and mental realms. Subscribe to our Newsletter for a Free Mediation

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